Sunday, September 19, 2010

Take Me Out To The Ballgame...

On Friday, I went to a Twins game with my family and some people from my town.
It was really neat to see the new stadium, but it was pretty cold :) We got back really late, and  we definately had fun...
but that didn't keep our Twins from losing 1-3 :(


  1. Hi Hannah,

    Had look around your blog & played some of the games.I agree with your dad it too early to play Christmas music. Looking at your photos at the twins game there is hardly any people in the stand. I thought it was a national pass time.

    It might be a bit early but Merry Christmas from New Zealand

    Mr Thurlow

  2. Thanks for checking out my blog! Baseball is a national pass time, but I took the first and third photos about an hour before the game (the bus brought us really early) but in the second picture the stands are more full. The stands would probably be more full if the Twins could win more games :)


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