Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wait for Christmas Lilly!

Every year at school we are given a gospel to make a movie about for religion class.
This is the one I was in this year. I am the devious adorable 5 year old :)
I had a lot of fun throwing a fit in "Target". I thought it was a pretty awesome movie.
Our gospel was from the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year A.
The gospel was about being patient.
(Keep in mind, I don't act like this in real life)
I thought this movie fit well with last week's post about me being so excited for Christmas.
It was fun to film, but we had some issues, like the fact that my dog attacked the camera man, forgetting the camera at my house, and that it was raining freakishly hard and I had to run outside during the movie.
Other than that, enjoy the movie:

Well.... what did you think?? Please comment and tell me! Sorry that the filming was shaky in some parts,
again the camera man was chased by my dog... probably traumatized...


  1. Ha Ha Ha great video Hannah!
    So cute! What's the address for you school blog?
    How long did it take you to make that?

  2. I laughed

  3. Thanks Madeleine :)
    I laughed too,

  4. Thanks so much :) we had an interesting time filming though...naming no names...


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