Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Into the Wild...

What happens when you add:
    34 teens +
     5 annoyed adults +
     A WHOLE lot of chips and salsa +
     and a dorm room cut off from everyone else's =

    An amazing week at an environmental learning center (and some hi-larious Man Vs. Wild remixes....) Last week my eighth grade class went on a week long over night trip to an environmental learning center in northern Minnesota. It was absolutely fantabulousyawesome (If that's even a word). Anyways, there was never time to be bored, because we were:
    That's me on the ropes course ☺
  • Rock-Climbing
  • Ropes-Coursing
  • Hiking
  • well... learning :)
  • Chips and salsa eating
  • Truth or Dare playing
  • Star tipping
  • Endless talking.....
  • Picture taking (duh ☺)
  • Getting Lost
  • Playing Frisbee
        This list goes on and on and on. One of the best things at ELC wasn't a class. It was our liaison, Danny. Danny was very interesting to say the least. He just came to Minnesota in August from England, and he looked like Harry Potter! (Maybe he was secretly Daniel Radcliffe) Danny also taught our birds class, and showed us his bird mating dance. We were about to pee ourselves with laughter.

I'm the short one on the end
        One of my other favorite things at ELC was a class called Voyageur life. We all got a character and had to remain completely in character for the whole three hour class. (Lucky for me I got to play the only American character because everyone else had to attempt to use French accents.) My character was Mr. Daniel Harmon, the American clerk for the Northwest Company. We hiked in sleet to this replica voyageur camp and made biscuits and played voyageur games. It was really fun, but my toes were very numb afterwards.☺
Speaking of coldness, the weather there was really weird. The first day it was almost 70 and we were wearing shorts, the next morning we woke up and it was snowing. Only in Minnesota...


Have you ever been on a field trip where you've stayed over for a week? Does where you live have as wacky of weather as Minnesota? Have you ever been to an enviromental learning center? Do you like my blog? Please comment with your answers! ♥♥♥♥

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Joining Up

In today's world, when the Internet is a huge thing, social networks are huge. I mean, if you're reading this, you're on one right now! Out of my class of 40 something, I think about all but five of my classmates have Facebooks. Half of them have blogs, and every one of my classmates has an email. That's a lot. For part of the Blogging Challenge, we were to answer these questions... Enjoy :)

Photo By: Asthma Helper

Q. What Internet sites have you joined?

A. A LOT! I'm on Blogger (duh), Facebook, Yahoo!, Google, Neopets, Snapfish, Piknik, Youtube and probably twenty more...

Q. How much info do you give out on those sites?

A. Umm.. I try not to give out much. I normally stick to my first name, state, and age.

Q. Have you filled in the asterisk questions? (with this*)

A.Sometimes. Not if it seems usless/dangerous.

I then websearched my name and my town to see what I could find.

Q. What did you find?

A. I found out that I am in the paper... a lot. Sports stuff, honor roll, and random things from when I was little. I was also apparently in some ads for my school when I was like five.

Q. How many footprints are you leaving behind?

A. I'm not sure. Probably a lot. A lot of times when you're little, people say that your parents can start the footprints for you, but my parents aren't online very often, and I'm not sure if they even had a computer when I was born, so I'm almost positive that they wern't posting baby pictures online. :)

 What about you? Do you have a Facebook? What sites have you joined? Are you careful about how much info you give your viewers? Search Yourself, and try to answer the following questions in a comment please :)


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cool Keyboard Tricks

Here are some cool things that you probably didn’t know that your computer could do:

When online if you click:

Ctrl w = the page shuts

Ctrl n = new page comes up

Ctrl a = highlights all

Ctrl d =adds the page as a favorite

Ctrl f = search bar appears

Ctrl h = your online history pops up

Ctrl j= your feeds pop up

Ctrl k = new tab

Ctrl q = lays out every tab you have open

Ctrl r = refreshes the page

Ctrl t = new tab

Ctrl i = opens favorites

Ctrl p = prints page

In word, you can also type these for cool emoticons:

Alt 1 ☺

Alt 2 ☻

Alt 3 ♥

Alt 4 ♦

Alt 5 ♣

Alt 6 ♠

Alt 7•

Alt 8◘

Alt 9○

Alt 10◙

Alt 11♂
Alt 12♀

Alt 13♪

Alt 15☼

Alt 16►

Alt 17◄

Alt 18↕

Alt 19‼

Alt 20¶


Know any other cool keyboard tricks? I love to hear them! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

PEP Fest!

          Every year my school, like most schools,  has a pep fest. At my school though, everyone thinks its boring. Except the Eighth Graders. I am finally an eighth grader.  As an elementary student, we thought it was wicked boring and biased, as the eighth graders won all the contests.

This year:
  • Screaming Contest = Eighth Graders won
  • Culver's Lunch = Eighth Graders Won
  • Spirit Flag went to the... Eighth Graders
No wonder the little kids find it boring. No wonder the Eighth graders love it so much. We dress up like crazy freaks, put on war paint, eat a bunch of junk, play against the teachers in dodgeball and volleyball, and of course, run around the gym with the spirit stick. As say, a second grader, we absolutely dreaded the pep fests. We didn't know any of those wacky eighth graders, we never won any contests, and we didn't care who were on the the basketball teams. 

A Volleyball team gets ready to take on the teachers

Do they you do anything fun for Spirit Week at your school?

Monday, January 17, 2011

You're Never too Old For Pooh...

     You are never too old for Pooh Bear. I've learned this throughout my crazy and weird long and wise 13 years. I know its a little strange to meet a teenager who still likes Winnie the Pooh, but I do. Well, I don't watch Pooh all the time or read the books anymore, but you know what I mean. You can learn many important lessons from Pooh Bear:

  • “If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you"
  • “Promise me you'll never forget me because if I thought you would I'd never leave.”
  • “If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.”
  • “Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon”
  • "My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places"
  • "Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?"
  • “Those who are clever, who have a Brain, never understand anything.”
  • Wherever they go, and whatever happens to them on the way, in that enchanted place on the top of the forest, a little boy and his Bear will always be playing.”
  • "Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day."
For a "Bear of Very Little Brain" Pooh Bear sometimes seems to know a lot. There are three stages in almost anyone's life:
  1. Idolizes Pooh Bear
  2. Thinks They are too old for Pooh
  3. Loves Pooh.
My favorite Pooh Bear quote of all time is this:  "Pooh, promise me you won't forget about me, ever. Not even when I am a hundred." Pooh thought for a little. "How old shall I be then?" "Ninety-nine." Pooh nodded. "I promise," he said This is said when Pooh and Piglet are playing Pooh sticks. (I've played Pooh sticks, It's very fun...) It almost kills me when I see that TV's come out with a new Pooh Bear show, it nearly kills me. Some of them are so stupid and so babyish, no wonder little kids already think that they are too old for it! But a few weeks ago, I pulled out and old copy of Pooh Bear treasury, one that was actually written by A.A. Milne. There were still things in it that I found a little hard to comprehend.  You are never too old for Pooh Bear.


    Saturday, January 15, 2011

    Walking Across Your Yard Shouldn't Be a Workout.

        Yes, Walking across your yard shouldn't be a workout. Unless of course you had a yard like this:

     Photo by: Horia Varlan
             Which I don't. I live in Minnesota, where unfortunately in the dead of winter, walking halfway across your yard is a workout. I came in from letting my dog out to go to the bathroom, and I needed to take some breaths. Don't get me wrong, our yard is big, but not enough to leave you breathless. Stupid snow. The snow is up halfway to my waist, and we get more snow at least twice a week. I envy the people in Florida, I hear that they were the only state that didn't get snow this winter.

         On a different note, Becca turned eleven on Thursday. I guess I'll have to change my blog header at some point, or else she'll be mad at me. For her birthday, Becca's going shopping once today with some of her friends, and then having lunch and on Monday, she's spending the whole day at the Mall of America.

     That seems like a whole lot of shopping for a girl who absolutely hates spending money.

    Saturday, January 8, 2011

    Baby Monkey... shoot me now

        In my 21st Century class at school, before or after class, we tend to watch funny videos. (Who could forget Badger Badger Badger MUSHROOM!) Anyways... the most recent video that has been going around our school is probably the dumbest one yet... It's called Baby Monkey:

    All it says is :
    Ooh... Baby Monkey... Baby Monkey... Ridin' on a Pig ...Baby Monkey
     Baby Monkey... Baby Monkey... Backwards on a Pig... Baby Monkey.
    Oh, The world has gone insane... And you don't know what is right.
    You gotta keep on kicking on... Hop on that pig and hold on tight!
    Ooh... Baby Monkey... Baby Monkey... Ridin' on a Pig ...Baby Monkey
    Baby Monkey... Baby Monkey... Backwards on a Pig... Baby Monkey.

    So now it is the most talked about video in our school. The kid who takes the most joy in singing it loudly at me is  Jacob (see Dodge ball post, he's the one in the shades.) Jacob has even sung the song to different tunes, Such as Twinkle Twinkle or Sacred Silence. After all of this singing, I want some sacred silence!!