Sunday, December 12, 2010

Don't Let it Snow...

Don't let it snow, don't let it snow, don't let it snow
Oh, the weather outside is frightful
but inside is even less delightful
But since all the stores are closed,
we go to church, go to church, go to church
                  - Don't Let it Snow, by Hannah

       Wasn't that just the worst best song you've ever heard? I'm sure it'll be a number one hit. That song pretty much sums up my Saturday. Yesterday was probably the worst blizzard I have seen in my young life. If only it could've been today, because then school would've been canceled. But no, the worst snowstorm I have ever seen was on a Saturday. It all started at about four o' clock. ( Cue corny flashback music)

       At four o' clock on a Saturday morning I was doing what most sane people do at that time -sleep. The power then magically decided to go off, then on, then off for about a half hour. So of course the smoke alarm went off each time. After that, I really couldn't go back to sleep. Around eight, when I finally did manage to go back to sleep, my dad wakes me up to go out to breakfast. To my surprise, Perkins was still open (almost all the other restaurants in town were closed) At Perkins, we found out that a lot of the power was out in town. Half way through our breakfast, we get a call that my grandma is stuck in her driveway. Goody. So we finished and helped her up her driveway. Here's the most fun part of my day:
After that, we baked Christmas cookies. I was planning to make, nice pretty cookies, while listening to Christmas music, and while Becca was at gymnastics. Well as we all know, things don't often go as I plan. Of course, Becca's gymnastics was cancelled. Of course when she saw I was baking she wanted to help. Of course she acted crazy when I brought out the camera. Then I told her that the photos would be put on the Internet,  and she calmed down a bit.
Let's see how many cookies I can possibly shove in my mouth at one time!

"Becca, could you at least attempt to appear normal?"

That's Better!

MORE pictures???

Lovely Cookies..
       After all the trauma fun of baking Christmas cookies, my dad said it was time to go to church. I seriously thought church would be cancelled. It wasn't. I'm thinking, lets just go to church Sunday morning, like everyone else will, instead of during a horrible blizzard in the dark. But we went anyways. It was nearly impossible to see driving there, and the roads haven't been plowed. We get to the parking lot and I count a total of 5 cars. We ran blindly through the parking lot because it was so difficult to see anything. We go into church and there's enough people to fill maybe four rows of pews. The choir wasn't there, only one reader, no gift bearers, and no ushers. It was the fastest mass I had ever been to in my life. It lasted maybe 35 minutes. Then my mom wants to see if our favorite mexican resteraunt is open.Suprisingly, it is. All of the men who were trying to restore power were there eating. We one of they only other families there. We sure got our food fast! Then a man who goes to our church who works at the funeral home came and sat at the table next to us. He said he wasn't going to be able to get home, so he was going to sleep in the funeral home. That sounds like some sort of horror movie to me! Ick. We finally made it home and went to sleep. What an interesting day...

Hey Becca! There's only twelve days left until Christmas!


double gasp...

triple gasp...


Happy Sunday :)

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