Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sorry Guys...

     I haven't been sharing my posts amazing blogginess with you guys! Because of the holidays, I haven't been the computer much (shocker). I tried to make a Christmas greeting for you guys, but unfortunately, that isn't working. The video won't come up. I'll keep trying. I'll just tell you now that the video was pretty hilarious. (Duh.. :) ) Ha Ha Ha!
     I would love to hear how you guys' holidays were! My Christmas was pretty great, and I had a lot of fun with my crazy normal cousins. We had a cousins girl's night...always interesting... always fun. In my family, I'm right in the middle of all of my cousins. The little cousins still don't think I'm boring, but I also am accepted by my older teen cousins.
     Don't worry, Becca had a great Christmas too, I didn't torment her too much. She got her first real camera for Christmas. this will be interesting, being that she's already lost it twice..
     Here are some pictures from an after Christmas lunch with my grandparents. My Grandma ordered something that was way too huge. I don't  remember what it was called:

There was a PacMan machine at the restaurant...
"No More Pictures!" Thanks Becca...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Don't Let it Snow...

Don't let it snow, don't let it snow, don't let it snow
Oh, the weather outside is frightful
but inside is even less delightful
But since all the stores are closed,
we go to church, go to church, go to church
                  - Don't Let it Snow, by Hannah

       Wasn't that just the worst best song you've ever heard? I'm sure it'll be a number one hit. That song pretty much sums up my Saturday. Yesterday was probably the worst blizzard I have seen in my young life. If only it could've been today, because then school would've been canceled. But no, the worst snowstorm I have ever seen was on a Saturday. It all started at about four o' clock. ( Cue corny flashback music)

       At four o' clock on a Saturday morning I was doing what most sane people do at that time -sleep. The power then magically decided to go off, then on, then off for about a half hour. So of course the smoke alarm went off each time. After that, I really couldn't go back to sleep. Around eight, when I finally did manage to go back to sleep, my dad wakes me up to go out to breakfast. To my surprise, Perkins was still open (almost all the other restaurants in town were closed) At Perkins, we found out that a lot of the power was out in town. Half way through our breakfast, we get a call that my grandma is stuck in her driveway. Goody. So we finished and helped her up her driveway. Here's the most fun part of my day:
After that, we baked Christmas cookies. I was planning to make, nice pretty cookies, while listening to Christmas music, and while Becca was at gymnastics. Well as we all know, things don't often go as I plan. Of course, Becca's gymnastics was cancelled. Of course when she saw I was baking she wanted to help. Of course she acted crazy when I brought out the camera. Then I told her that the photos would be put on the Internet,  and she calmed down a bit.
Let's see how many cookies I can possibly shove in my mouth at one time!

"Becca, could you at least attempt to appear normal?"

That's Better!

MORE pictures???

Lovely Cookies..
       After all the trauma fun of baking Christmas cookies, my dad said it was time to go to church. I seriously thought church would be cancelled. It wasn't. I'm thinking, lets just go to church Sunday morning, like everyone else will, instead of during a horrible blizzard in the dark. But we went anyways. It was nearly impossible to see driving there, and the roads haven't been plowed. We get to the parking lot and I count a total of 5 cars. We ran blindly through the parking lot because it was so difficult to see anything. We go into church and there's enough people to fill maybe four rows of pews. The choir wasn't there, only one reader, no gift bearers, and no ushers. It was the fastest mass I had ever been to in my life. It lasted maybe 35 minutes. Then my mom wants to see if our favorite mexican resteraunt is open.Suprisingly, it is. All of the men who were trying to restore power were there eating. We one of they only other families there. We sure got our food fast! Then a man who goes to our church who works at the funeral home came and sat at the table next to us. He said he wasn't going to be able to get home, so he was going to sleep in the funeral home. That sounds like some sort of horror movie to me! Ick. We finally made it home and went to sleep. What an interesting day...

Hey Becca! There's only twelve days left until Christmas!


double gasp...

triple gasp...


Happy Sunday :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

I Think I Have a Justifiable Reason Now...

         Now that I actually have a reason to be so excited for Christmas, I can be without being thought of as weird, (most likely, I'll still be thought of as weird, just not for that reason...) The decorations are put up, we definitely  have snow, and my mom has baked up a storm. Now I sit here waiting patiently for Christmas bug the heck out of my family. There's really not much I can say, other than that, my life this week has been pretty unexciting..
Happy Friday People, TGIF

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

ELF Yourself!

    Check out this video I made on! It's of me and some of my buddies dancing like crazy elves! Try and make your own, and if you get a really good one, email it to me :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

And She Still Gets It...

          After all of our trauma on Friday, I just assumed that Becca wouldn't be getting her cookie. I assumed wrong. As soon as we got home from our wickedly long drive back, the first thing out of little Becca's mouth was, "Where's my cookie?" Of course. We just drove for four hours and got stuck behind an accident because of your stupid cookie, but before you know it Mom is off to Hy-Vee. Becca is now happily enjoying her cookie. She is so freakishly protective of it, she didn't even want me to take a picture of it. It might "ruin" it.
          I don't really think Becca needs that cookie. I mean she obviously has more than enough sugar and energy for three kids. And come on, look at it. That monster has at least two inches thick of frosting in it. As my mom calls it, "A frosting sandwich." As I call it, "A heart attack between two cookies." Becca calls it her little frosting baby. You  have to admit though, its a pretty cute cookie.

AAAHH!!! I'm being eaten alive! I'm too cute to die!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

All Because of a Cookie...

        Well on Friday, I got a free day off of school. We had a fundraising event for school, and I raised enough to get that prize. Anyways, asked my mom if I could use it to go up to the Mall of America and go Christmas shopping. Well she said yes. On Thursday, I started watching the weather. The weatherman was saying that we were supposed to get a boatload of snow, and that they don’t advise people to drive on the roads if it isn’t necessary. (In my opinion, going to the Mall of America is necessary)

       So of course I accepted the fact that I wasn’t going to go begged profusely. My dad was convinced that we shouldn't go. My mom on the other hand, said it was fine. We left the house around eight thirty, and got there about nine thirty with my mom and my grandma. We got up there, did a lot of shopping, had lunch etc. About one thirty, we were in Macy's and decided to look out the window, and make sure that it wasn't a complete blizzard. At the time, it looked fine. (Ba da daaaa....) About three, we looked outside. Yeah, it looked really blizzardy. But at this point, my mom remembers the promise that she has made to my sister:

Mom- I'm sorry honey, you can't go too, you have to go to school…

Becca- But I want to!

Mom- Becca, you don't even like shopping!

Becca- SSOOO???


Becca- You better bring me a cookie! Promise??

Mom- Sure, I promise

At this point, I'm thinking, "Let's just pick up a cookie at Hy-Vee, and tell her that it's from the MOA." But alas, we have to look for the cookie place. We never did find it. We spent only about 15 minutes looking for this cookie, but by now the snow is really bad. We started driving at 3:20. We started out going about ten miles per hour. Then we get stuck behind an accident. We are down to a lightning fast speed of two mph. I’m thinking, “If we hadn’t have gone looking for the dumb cookie, we might have just been ahead of this accident!” After we finally get back to a whopping 20 mph, something goes wrong with the windshield wipers. OH GREAT. The ice has stuck to them so bad, that it can barely wipe the snow off. So my mom’s really nervous, because she can’t really see, and I’m past the freaking out stage. We have to stop in the middle of nowhere and try and fix them. We finally get home after seven. The car ride which should have taken an hour, now lasted more than three and a half. All because of a cookie…

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hannah Bueller's Day Off

        If you haven't seen the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off, you'd better hurry up and go see it. Or you might die. Just kidding. It's about a kid who skips school a lot,and everyone loves him. Well, except his principal. The principal leaves work and goes on a mad search for ferris to try and prove that he's faking. But ferris always seems to come out on top.

        I'm having my own day off tomorrow, but it probably won't be nearly as exciting as Ferris's. I got a personal day off from school for raising $225 for my school's marathon. I'm going up to the mall of america to go shopping! I'm hoping to go on the Rock Bottom Plunge too!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wait for Christmas Lilly!

Every year at school we are given a gospel to make a movie about for religion class.
This is the one I was in this year. I am the devious adorable 5 year old :)
I had a lot of fun throwing a fit in "Target". I thought it was a pretty awesome movie.
Our gospel was from the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year A.
The gospel was about being patient.
(Keep in mind, I don't act like this in real life)
I thought this movie fit well with last week's post about me being so excited for Christmas.
It was fun to film, but we had some issues, like the fact that my dog attacked the camera man, forgetting the camera at my house, and that it was raining freakishly hard and I had to run outside during the movie.
Other than that, enjoy the movie:

Well.... what did you think?? Please comment and tell me! Sorry that the filming was shaky in some parts,
again the camera man was chased by my dog... probably traumatized...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The First Snow...

Normally in Minnesota, we have snow by at least October. We finally got some snow, but it was really late this year, and there wasn't very much. I took the chance to go out and take some pictures with my dad's old camera. It works a lot better than mine. I also had my little model Becca, and even though she normally hates getting her picture taken, she actually cooperated for once. At least at first...

Becca started out cooperating...

 And then Becca started a snowman..
(Now keep in mind, there is nowhere near enough snow to make one...)

Becca's finished snowman...

"Hannah! The doggy ate my snowman!"

Now Becca's normally crazy...keep in mind that she gets weirder on camera... 
"Are you serious?? More pictures? I better get hot cocoa after this Hannah..."

All in all, it was a pretty fun snow-day.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


At my school Dodgeball Night is extremely imporant. Let me tell you the three rules:
  • Balls hitting above the head don't count
  • You should must dress up
  • The Purple Cobras will always win
      We just had dodgeball last week, and it was pretty amazing. My team was the 80's are back (which was very fun to dress up as I might add) We didn't do well though. Despite our faboulus looks, we came in dead last. All the rules were followed, which also meant, the purple cobras won. They have won twice a year every year since their first dodgeball night in sixth grade. The purple cobras are a team made up of all eighth grade boys, and they treat it as an honor to be asked on it.We had 4 boys on our team, but two of them left, becasue they had the honor of being on the purple cobras. Even though they kick-butt when it comes to dodgeball, I feel we beat them costume wise. If only our teacher wouldn't have forgotten to award the costume prize...

What lovely 80s ladies...


Double Uhh...

Hello to you too, Tim...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm Proud to be an AMERICAN

Lee Greenwood - Proud to be an American .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

I'm proud to be an American...
Where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died

pete souza

Who gave that right to me

And I'll gladly stand up
Nyack College
Next to you and defend her yet today

Because there isn't any doubt I love this land

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Waiting for Christmas...

I know its crazy,
But already I've been thinking a lot about all I can think about is Christmas!
I know, I know you're thinking "Hannah, Halloween just past, can't you take a break before obbsessing over another holiday?" The answer is no, no I can't. I was playing Christmas music so loud on my Ipod, my Dad came downstairs and took it! He said it was crazy to be thinking so much about Christmas before Thanksgiving. My mom thinks I should get excited about Thanksgiving. I said "How can you get so excited, all you do on Thanksgiving is overeat!" and thats why Thanksgiving is my sister's favorite holiday. Don't worry, I won't make you suffer, I won't change my blog background to Christmas for at least another week :).
Yesterday, I spent the afternoon going to craft shows. There were probably eight of them all over town. And so what if the wind was harder than it has been all month, and so what if your mom refuses to give you a ride so you're on your bike, and so what if you are the only one at the craft shows younger than 60, it was fun.
The only person I ended up seeing that I knew was my grandma.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thank Goodness...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Politcal Ads...

For a class assignment I was assigned to watch a political ad for Minnesota Governor candidate Mark Dayton and answer the following questions:
Who is responsible for the ad you reviewed?
Mark Dayton, for a better Minnesota, put on this ad
Who is the ad trying to get you to vote for?
The ad is trying to get me to vote for mark Dayton because he supports helping seniors
What advertising techniques did it use?
I think they used repetition because it kept repeating Mark Dayton’s name, and showing pictures of seniors over and over. I also think it used association because a lot of the seniors were smiling, so you’d associate Mark Dayton with good feelings.
What do YOU think about the ad, and does it make you want to vote for the candidate?
I think it was a pretty good ad, because it didn’t put down any of the other candidates in a negative way. I would vote for Mark Dayton because he said he would help seniors, which is a good thing, because they have worked hard all their lives, and they should be rewarded.
It annoys me when politicians put each down so much, and very little of what they say is completely true, or taken out of context. It’s good to see an ad that wasn’t too mean to anyone else.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Banning Books?

It’s crazy how many books are banned in the U.S. each year, and I've read many of them. When Americans think of banned books they often think of Harry Potter, but not often do you think of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See?. Yes, that book has been banned. That was my absolute favorite book when I was little. It was banned in an area of Texas because apparently that author had written a different book that was inappropriate. What do you think? Should books be banned? I'm still not sure...

For more interesting info check out:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Take Me Out To The Ballgame...

On Friday, I went to a Twins game with my family and some people from my town.
It was really neat to see the new stadium, but it was pretty cold :) We got back really late, and  we definately had fun...
but that didn't keep our Twins from losing 1-3 :(

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Trying New Things..

Tonight I went to this fundraising event that had all different restraunts there with little samples of their best dishes. It was really neat, and I had never been to something like it before, so you could try a little bit of everything! It was very yummy :) and I over ate on a lot of things. I would go back again in a heart beat.

By the way, it stopped raining! At least for one outdoor tennis practice (even though it was still cold and windy )

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rain Doesn't Listen

Apparently, the rain didn't listen to my dumb poem, beacause there was a huge thunderstorm with hail. It looked like a hurricane was going on, (even though that's virtually impossible where I live).
Well that's what I get for trying to be positive, tennis inside again